Application:It is a wide spectrum,high activity,super effect and long persistent efficiency insecticide has effect of touch killing,stomach poisoning and inner suction activity.It can prevent and control pests both subterranean and ground,and not only can be used for treating with caudex,leaf of plant and soil,but also for treating with seed.It can effectively prevent and control lepidoptera,coleoptera,thysanoptera especially homoptera pests such as various aphid,leafhopper,whitefly,flying lice,chafer grub,potato beetle,flea beetle,eelworm,ground beetle and leaf miner etc.
Physical and Chemical Properties:The pure Thiamethoxam is white crystal power,Melting point:139.1°C,Density:1.57×103 kg/m3,Vapor pressure:2.7×10-9 Pa 20°C,6.6×10-9 Pa25°C,Solubility:easy soluble in water(4.1g/L)and organic solvents:aceton(48g/L),methanol(13g/L),dichloromethane(110g/L).