Application:Biochemistry inhibits chitin synthesis. Mode of action Acts mostly by ingestion; Larvae are unable to moult, and also cease feeding. Uses insect growth regulator for control of iepidoptera and ioleoptera larvae on cotton, maize and vegetables and citrus whitefly and rust mites on citrus fruit, at 10-50 g/ha. Also use for the prevention and control of flea infestations on pets.
Physical & Chemical Properties: Form: Colourless crystals. M. P. 168.7-169.4 ° C (OECD 102) V. P. <4 ´ 10-3 mPa (25 º C) (OECD 104) KOW logP = 5.12 (25 º C) (OECD 117) S. G. /density 1.66 at 20 º C (OECD 109) Solubility In water: <0.06 mg/l (25 º C). In ethanol 41, acetone 460, toluene 72, n-hexane 0.13, n-octanol 8.9 (all in g/l, 25 º C). Stability Stable in air and light.